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US Steel Mills Direct

Metal Building Manufacturers IAS AC472 Certification

Ironbuilt steel buildings are manufactured only in facilities that are IAS certified. To obtain this certification, the plants must pass a comprehensive inspection program designed for manufacturers of steel building systems. It consists of an independent third party evaluation of the manufacturing of structural members and cold formed components requiring welding, manufacturing of cold formed components that do not require welding and the engineering design required for steel buildings. Gaining the IAS AC472 certification for metal building systems represents the highest standard for quality in manufacturing in the industry.

The engineers that design our steel buildings are located in-house right at the factory. We do not outsource any of the engineering, detailing or drafting functions to India or China unlike other metal building companies. Specialized CAD design software is used to produce your permit and construction drawings which are then stamped by a registered engineer in all 50 states and Canada. Every building is designed to meet the snow, wind and seismic loadings required for your local US metal building code. The engineers utilize CAM software to generate production data for your building that is fed directly to the manufacturing plant guaranteeing accuracy. While the foundation drawings are not done by the factory, we can refer you to the very affordable outside foundation engineering firm that most of the dealers use.
Centralized Manufacturing
Structural Primary Framing

Secondary Framing

Sheeting and Complete Trim

All the PBR wall and roof sheeting and trim is manufactured in the same plant as the framing and not outsourced. In every Ironbuilt building each type of trim is made using its own individual precision roll former for each distinct trim shape (rake, base, corner, eave, jamb, gutters, downspouts etc). Most metal building manufacturers use manual brake presses to bend their trim which often produces inconsistent quality. Others purchase their trim from outside metal building component suppliers which end up increasing the cost to the customer. Complete in-house fabrication at the factory and rigid inspection procedures help Ironbuilt to offer the finest quality trim along with the most competitively priced building.
Shipping Department

At Ironbuilt, we want you to have a trouble free delivery and always make an extra effort to accommodate your site conditions and schedule. Every building is shipped with a complete shippers list identifying each component or bundle in your shipment. The bundles are individually marked with your name and order number so you can easily take an inventory as each truck is unloaded. To guarantee a damage free delivery, all the trim is carefully wrapped and placed inside a heavy duty trim box. Every employee in our shipping department is professional and courteous and understands your importance as our customer. If your job site is inaccessible by standard semi-trucks due to weather or road conditions, please give them advance notice so we can help find the best solution.
Manufacturing Plant Certifications


American Welding Society



UL 90 Certification

Canadian Welding Bureau


Energy Star Colors

City Of Los Angeles Approved Fabricator

City Of Chicago Approved Fabricator

Miami-Dade Product Approval

State Of Florida Wind Code Product Approval

Clark County Approved Fabricator