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Metal Buildings Manufactured for Strength and Quality

Personal Storage And Steel Truck Garage

Carl Moyer
Shelby, Ohio

Truckers and trucking businesses rely on their semis every single day to operate at their best. Truck maintenance facilities and terminals are required to store the trucks when not in use and ample space to perform repairs on them. A trucker by trade, Carl Moyer of Shelby, OH, knows this firsthand and ensures the optimal performance of his trucks by storing them in his very own Ironbuilt metal truck garage.

“I bought a building to be able to work on my semi trucks. I drive trucks for a living. I also own a second truck. We bought a 40×80 with a 20×20 lean-to so we could have room for storage plus room to be able to work on the trucks.” Carl said.

In addition to using his Ironbuilt steel garage building truck garage for working on his semi-trucks, Carl also uses his building to store his tractor, cars, and an assortment of tools that any man would love to have in his garage. The main building along with his lean-to gives Carl more than enough space to keep things neat and organized with extra room for any equipment he acquires in the future.

When Carl was beginning to look for a steel building, he told us, “We looked at Ironbulit because they had the specs we were looking for and they matched everything we wanted to do.” From the beginning to the end, Ironbuilt made the process simple for Carl.

Once Carl received his stamped pre-engineered metal building drawings, he brought in his son-in-law Jaime to review them. “The prints on it were real easy to understand,” Carl told us. This gave Carl and Jaime the confidence to erect the building themselves. “We’re real happy with the way it went up. The simplicity helped us as far as being amateurs to put the building up and have a quality building.

Ironbuilt’s customer service department helped them out along the way, too. “We were happy with the service. Anything we needed we just called, and they didn’t question it,” Carl said and then Jaime added, “Pretty much built the whole building in record time.” Once the building was erected, Carl and Jaime had more confirmation that they made the right decision. “We thought it was really a perfect building,” Jaime told us, “The reason I picked the building, Ironbuilt building, was the fact of not only was it simple to put up and fast to put up, it was the quality of the building.”

“We love the quality and I’m very happy with it. And I’d recommend Ironbuilt to anyone that’s looking for one.”

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